Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 6: February 11-17, 2013

Week 6: February 11-17, 2013 ( for the San Diego Half and Full Marathon)
6th week of Mesocycle #1

Monday: 11/2/13
(3 miles @ an easy, conversational pace) 
due to snow and ice still on the ground i was unable to run. also recovering from a heavy weekend, with the brighton college old brightonians new york dinner, i am still feeling rather delicate!

Tuesday: 12/2/13
3 miles total, including the Speed and Form session at central park.
getting warmed up for tonight's training session was difficult. having not run in almost 4 days my body has got out of shape already. the sides of my ankles and calves feel sore and slightly stiff.
we were to run four x 800 meters with a rest in between. this was a max work out so had to push the run as fast as could. we were timed for each of the runs. we were given estimated/ calculated times that were for us to aim toward. my time was 9:03.
my actual times were as follows:
run 1: 8:54 sec
run 2: 9:02 sec
run 3: 9:15 sec
run 4: 9:25 sec

the resting in between each split was hard, and made the fatigue stronger on each run. i'm glad that my pace was gradual and didn't stray too much from my given times.

Wednesday: 13/2/13
 (3  miles @ an easy, conversational pace)
too busy to go for run...

4 miles, at an easy conversational pace
i went on a nice 4 mile run before work, and enjoyed going around the park in Williamsburg. the weather was warm, and i really enjoyed the run. i didn't even feel the distance.
when i got back from my run i mapped my route and discovered the little love heart i tracked through the park. happy valentines day!

Friday: 15/2/13
2  miles @ an easy, conversational pace including Cross Training
arms are getting stronger, but i do feel the buurrrrnn when picking up the run after doing my arm dips, press ups, and plank.

Saturday: 16/2/13
6  miles @ E pace. 
i ran along the ocean front in atlantic beach, long island. the weather was cold and windy, with sandy, rocky terrain due to debris left from hurricane sandy. i found the run tough and tiring, perhaps due to the wind factor. i couldn't wait to get back inside and take a hot shower. 
but this is the first 6 miler i've ever done... so HURRAY TO THAT!!! completed it in 1hr 10mins

Sunday: 0 miles- achy and sore, achy and sore.

Total mileage for the weekend: 15 miles

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 5: February 4-9, 2013 ( for the San Diego Half and Full Marathon)
5th week of Mesocycle #1

Monday:  2 miles @ an easy, conversational pace
keeping it close to the apartment, didn't have that much time before work. was a little achy after day off on sunday. these miles are starting to feel a little easier, but it is still an effort to get my butt out the apartment and start running. once i am started though it is enjoyable.

Tuesday: 3 miles at the Speed and Form session: central park.
we did time-trials in the park, working on our 1 mile distances. my group (group 3!-last group!) were to run two 1 mile distances on the road with a rest in between. the road was very hilly and winding, quite unlike my regular running on grid like streets. 
1st time: 9:01sec
2nd time: 9:27sec
quite a big difference in the times. the 2nd run was predominantly uphill, into flurrying snow, with fatigue. I found the rest was more annoying, and tiring than not taking it.
however i beat the estimated time the trainers had given (9:37sec) which was enjoyable.

Wednesday: (i was meant to run 2 miles @ an easy, conversational pace- but DID NOT!) Ops

Thursday: 3 miles total @ an easy, conversational pace
i created a really nice route to williamsburgs' mcarren park. i really enjoyed this run, and the distance did not feel painful to me! FOR ONCE! 

Friday: (i was meant to run 2 miles @ an easy, conversational pace including Cross Training.. but DID NOT!)
there is a snow storm coming and i was feeling really lazy...

Saturday: ( i was meant to run 5  miles @ E pace- but DID NOT!) 
Due to the snow storm, we received about 8- 10 inches of snow, coach jim called off the run in central park. 
this is where not being able to run on a tread-mill in a gym causes disruption to my training. there is no way i'm going to be able to run today, and i'm a little concerned about the coming days. this snow will not melt easily, and the sidewalks are going to stay icy for a while.
i don't really want to join a gym, as i'm enjoying the running out of doors. also coach jim says that running on a tread mill can lead to bad habits, and as i'm going to be running on the street for the marathon it is the best training possible. (except in these circumstances)

our 'garden kitty' thigh deep in snow. definitely not running.

Sunday: 0 miles

Total mileage for the weekend: 7 miles :-(

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 4: January 28-February 3, 2013 (for the San Diego Half and Full Marathon)
4th week of Mesocycle #1

Monday: LAZY, LAZY, LAZY... i didn't take a run this morning... 

working on some applications... something that involves Yoga and Pilates (i'll keep you posted on new developments of 'my feet', as and when they occur)

Tuesday: speed and form session at central park with team urban athletic: 'speed and mechanics'
what: 12 x 150 meters
how: run fast and relaxed, focussing on:

  • good posture
  • balance- shoulders back and down
  • hands and feet do not cross midline
  • hands clear the hips during arm swing
  • mid foot strike (NOT HEEL)
  • drive off the back foot
why: "running is a skill and proper movements are crucial for ALL distances. one of the most effective ways is to run fast, without the distraction of real fatigue. the time frame of these runs will eliminate most fatigue. this is a speed and efficiency developer and is the most overlooked aspect of training for mid and long distances."
my times: we only took a few times, as we did so many, the body would naturally keep the speed as the distance was repeated.
1st run: 36 sec
2nd run: 35 sec
3rd run: 35 sec
9th run: 31 sec

surprisingly i found this speed session quite fun! it was challenging, with fatigue building each run, and the fuzzy rain getting in my eye. i felt great though. i could feel a big change in my body, and the strength in my legs and feet that has developed over the last couple of weeks. the recovery of my lungs is better, and my breathing is much easier during and after each sprint.

Wednesday: 1 mile @ an easy, conversational paceoh the pain... my body was really really sore, and stiff today, i could barely make it round the mile, and my legs ached badly. i stretched a lot when i got home.

this is my little neighbourhood friend.  i see this little guy all the time out side our building. he's so friendly and loves being stroked. 

Thursday: 3  miles @ an easy, conversational pace
yay! i ran into Williamsburg ( i usually avoid 'hipster-ville' with my panting, sweaty stomp) but made a nice route, to the park and back, and i felt GREAT!! the weather really helped, it was warm and sunny, with a little wind (none of which was behind me, helping me out), and i was actually having FUN. i would NEVER have said that 3 weeks ago.
oh- i can't wait for spring and summer!

Friday: Yoga class in the afternoon, at yoga to the people, for 1 hour. great stretching, and strengthening my core and upper body.

Saturday: 4 @ E pace. Central park reservoir.
no snow this week, and a much busier morning, with a lot of people out running. the sun was out, but it did feel cold. i enjoyed the running (after about 1.5 miles of pain and anger!) then i got into the rhythm of things. my pace felt slower, and my body a bit stiffer, perhaps from all the stretching at yoga class. happy i made the 4 miles again though.

Sunday: 0 miles. exhaustion. after the run on saturday i worked for 12 hours (2pm-2am) and am now delirious with exhaustion. took a nap through the day and sat down to watch the superbowl in the evening. body was achy and felt uncomfortable sitting for so long.

Total mileage for the weekend: 11 miles